Paal sura

Shark fish is one of the best and tasty fishes which has a large amount of omega 3 fatty acids which has cut down the heart attack risk and stroke. Omega 3s helps to prevent cancers, cognitive decline and elevate mood. Protects you from eye problems. People who have coronary heart problem are required to take a gram of fatty acids and take frequent supplement and henceforth Shark fishes are the good one to consume in your diet. Shark fish is called as "Sura Meen, Sorrah" in Tamil


  1. Clears your blood vessels
  2. will increase the secretion the breast milk
  3. Protects from symptoms from rheumatoid arthritis
  4. Protects from cancer cells
  5. Protects from asthma in children


  • Head peeled and intestine removed which makes you to cook immediately. The best customized ready to cook product in this section.
  • Rich in Protein and Omega 3
  • We sanitize our employees and the packets before delivery for customer's safety
  • 4 Times Washing dry fish and Twice dried to reduce the smell to Maximum
  • NO Artificial Preservatives
  • NO Artificial Colours or Flavours
  • Cleaned and Pre processed in hygienic conditions in a modern fish processing plant.